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Tips for Worship Drummers

Carl Albrecht is the author of The Worship Drum Book. Here are some video tutorial excerpts from the DVD.


Basic Snare Tuning & Wire Adjustments

Kick Drum Tuning

Tom Tuning and Pitch Interval Choices 

Find more great tutorials on our MusicPro Guides YouTube channel!

The Worship Drum Book 

The Worship Drum Book: Concepts to Empower Excellence is a powerful guide for drummers in contemporary churches and for drummers in traditional churches who are making the transition from worship supported by organ or piano to worship supported by a full rhythm section.

With over 30 years of experience in the modern worship movement, author Carl Albrecht has a vast knowledge of what drummers need to know to adapt to modern music’s being brought into the church. The adoption of drums into church worship services is sometimes a very controversial issue, so Albrecht shares ways that drummers can be sensitive to the congregation and leaders and yet play with authority and confidence.

Developing great drumming skills along with an understanding of spiritual matters is of the utmost importance. Therefore, while this book addresses important traditional drumming techniques and concepts, it also explains the unique role that drummers – or musicians of any sort – have as minstrels in the house of the Lord.

In this book, Albrecht also shares concepts to help touring music groups and worship artists who are called outside the church walls. He and his wife, Leann, minister to churches and worshippers all around the world while also sharing an active ministry in their home church in Nashville.

Carl Albrecht’s Drum Heroes

Carl AlbrechtGuest Blogger: Carl Albrecht, author of Worship Musician Presents The Worship Drum Book. This is an excerpt from his blog, which you can visit to read the rest of his post.

What’s the question every drummer hears at one time or another? – Who IS your FAVORITE drummer?

Well I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t have one. There are, however, many players who have influenced me through the years. And I think this is a great time to give a thoughtful list of my drum heroes. I also hope you find this helpful as a reference of players you should listen to as a means to expand your musical horizons.

My first drum inspirations were not drum soloists. Although through the years the greats such as Gene Krupa, Buddy Rich, and Louie Bellson would be added to my list of drum heroes. It seems that I was more influenced by songs than individual musicians. Although it was the drums in those songs that always seemed to draw me.

I still remember my father reaching around to the back seat of the car to stop my pounding out the beat of “Pretty Woman.” The groove blasted from the little speaker hanging on the window at the “drive-in” theatre. Even today my wife, Leann, has to stop me from tapping out rhythms to the music at restaurants or in the car. I guess some things never change. “I got the music in me,,, I got the music in me,,, YEA!”


Visit Carl’s blog to read the rest of this article!

The Worship Drum Book: Concepts to Empower Excellence is a powerful guide for drummers in contemporary churches and for drummers in traditional churches who are making the transition from worship supported by organ or piano to worship supported by a full rhythm section.



Who is your drum hero? Leave your reply in comments!